About Us

What is the F.O.P.?
We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities. We are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation.

  · Increase the understanding of the rights, duties and problems of law enforcement officers.
  · Foster public respect for Law Enforcement Officers.
  · Strengthen the comradeship with officers.
  · Better the conditions under which the officers serve society.
  · Promote the interests and welfare of law enforcement officers.
  · Render lawful assistance as may be requested by the Associate Lodge.

Meeting Times
Meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 6:00 P.M. at the FOP Lodge. The Parent Lodge meeting is held upstairs while the Associate Lodge meeting is held downstairs. After the meetings are over, the members of both Lodges get together for food and refreshments. Both Lodges also combine at different events through out the year like the annual Christmas Party and other gatherings.

Community Services

Shop With A Deputy.
Each year members of Lodge 25 volunteer to take approximately 100 children, that are in-need, Christmas Shopping. Money used for the trip is earned through our annual Shop with a Deputy Auction. Most of the items auctioned off are donated from local area businesses. 100% of the proceeds of the auction go to the kids. Another fundraiser we have for this program is the Annual Dickie Schreck Memorial Invitational Golf Scramble Tournament. These children, and their situations, are submitted to us through Family Resource Directors at local public schools and Volunteers of America. The families are carefully screened through in-home interviews with a deputy before they can be accepted. If you would like to participate, donate or just have questions, send us an Email or call the office at: 502-637-3371.

Lodge Officers

President Tim Pike
Vice President Charles “Rusty” Gootee
Secretary Tanner Jennings
Treasurer Todd Jensen
2nd Vice President Matt Salsman
State Trustee Bill Burch
Sgt-At-Arms Gary Fischer
Chaplain Larry Bush
Guard Steve Foster
Trustee Chairman Jim Bowman
Trustee Joe Nanny
Trustee Steve Schweitzer
Immediate Past President Larry Bush
Past President Phyllis Bowling
Past President Kevin Pendigraph

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Our Lodge Officers.